Sunday 7 October 2012

Whitehaven & Scafell Pike 5-7 October

Friday 5th October

A short trip to Whitehaven. No tent this time. We lived it up in a Premier Inn.

Whitehaven Harbour
Map of Whitehaven Harbour

We had been there less than an hour.

and....colliery spotting again.

Haig Colliery Whitehaven

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Saturday 6th October

Scafell, Lingmell Crag and Goats Crag, From Wasdale Head

Made it!! - and so did the mist!!
Scafell Pike is here

Lingmell Crag

Nearly back

The Lake Districts' not just for walking.

Sunday 7th October

A short stop at Bassenthwaite Lake, looking at Skiddaw Forest


Sunday 23 September 2012


Well, who wouldn't?

Teversal CCC

Teversal, our fifth Caravan and Camping Club site - (Teversal CCC)

Friday 21st - Rain
  • Set up in the rain then .....

  • ......( once the rain had stopped) a walk of about 2 1/2 hours to Stanton Hill, Brierley Forest, and back around the disused colliery, Teversal and Silverhill. Stopped for photos with the 'Miner'  at Nottinghamnshires highest point. He's here.

Saturday 22nd - Cool and sunny (all day)

  • Sutton Scarsdale Hall (Map)

Bolsover just shrunk! (don't squeeze too hard).

  • Hardwick Hall (and Hardwick Old Hall) (here)


Sunday 23rd - Cool, overcast


Walking around Teversal
English Heritage /Bolsover Castle
English Heritage/Sutton Scarsdale Hall
English Heritage/Hardwick Old Hall
Pleasley Colliery

Monday 16 July 2012

Windermere CCC - 16-20 July

The Lake District

Windermere CCC 16-20 July 2012 (Map)

A rare moment of sunshine

18 July, 25 years today

Golf crazy!

Raining again

Sunday 6 May 2012

Cruise 6-13 May

Our Silver Wedding celebration cruise

  • Liberty of the Seas

  • Barcelona
  • Cannes
  • Florence/Pisa
  • Rome
6-13 May 2012