Tuesday 7 May 2013

Sandringham CCC

3-6 May 2013

First outing of the year, whilst much of the year up to now has been too cold, this weekend was the best so far. Unusually, we picked a great time to go, warm and fine - and no rain!

Friday 3rd May

Sandringham CCC (Map)

The familiar welcome sign

At the gates of Sandringham

Wine for a change; I think the bottle lasted about 10 minutes.

Saturday 4th May

Walking around the gardens

Outside our new home!

And then on to Hunstanton

Hunstanton at sunset

Sunday 5th May

Our now customary 'English Heritage' tour

Castle Rising

 Binham Priory

Creake Abbey


Binham Priory - Binham Priory/English Hereitage Map
Castle Rising - Castle Rising Map
Creake Abbey - English heritage / Creake Abbey Map

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